Authenticate worker single sign-on (SSO) from Okta using OpenID Connect

- Introduction
- Configure Okta as an OpenID Connect identity provider
- Configure Cerb for authentication with Okta
This guide demonstrates how to enable one-click single sign-on (SSO) for Cerb workers by authenticating against existing Okta accounts using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard.
The email address for each account in Okta will need to be associated with a worker record in Cerb. You can also disable password-based logins for those accounts.
Configure Okta as an OpenID Connect identity provider
Configure your identity provider
Log in to Okta as an administrator.
Click the Admin button in the top menu.
Expand the Applications menu in the left sidebar.
Click Applications.
Click the blue Create App Integration button at the top.
Select OIDC - OpenID Connect.
Select Web Application.
Click the blue Next button in the bottom right.
Enter the following details:
Application name Cerb Application logo Grant type Authorization Code Sign-in redirect URIs https://<YOUR-CERB-URL>/sso/okta-oidc
Sign-out redirect URIs (blank) -
Click the blue Save button.
In the application settings screen, scroll down and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
Make a note of your Issuer URL. You’ll need it below. This is typically your Okta subdomain (e.g.
). -
Assign the application to groups or users.
Configure Cerb for authentication with Okta
Log in to Cerb as an administrator.
Create an OpenID service for Okta
Navigate to Setup » Packages » Import.
Paste the following package:
"package": {
"name": "Okta OpenID Connect Provider",
"revision": 1,
"requires": {
"cerb_version": "9.5.0",
"plugins": []
"configure": {
"placeholders": [],
"prompts": [
"type": "text",
"label": "Client ID",
"key": "prompt_client_id",
"params": {
"default": "",
"placeholder": "(paste your Client ID)"
"type": "text",
"label": "Client Secret",
"key": "prompt_client_secret",
"params": {
"default": "",
"placeholder": "(paste your Client Secret)"
"type": "text",
"label": "Issuer URL",
"key": "prompt_issuer_url",
"params": {
"default": "",
"placeholder": "(paste your Issuer URL from Okta)"
"records": [
"uid": "service_okta",
"_context": "connected_service",
"name": "Okta",
"uri": "okta-oidc",
"extension_id": "cerb.service.provider.oidc",
"params": {
"client_id": "{{{prompt_client_id}}}",
"client_secret": "{{{prompt_client_secret}}}",
"scope": "openid email",
"issuer": "{{{prompt_issuer_url}}}",
"authorization_url": "{{{prompt_issuer_url}}}/oauth2/v1/authorize",
"access_token_url": "{{{prompt_issuer_url}}}/oauth2/v1/token",
"userinfo_url": "{{{prompt_issuer_url}}}/oauth2/v1/userinfo",
"jwks_url": "{{{prompt_issuer_url}}}/oauth2/v1/keys"
Click the Import button.
Enter your client ID, client secret, and issuer URL from Okta.
Click the Import button again.
Configure SSO
Navigate to Setup » Security » Authentication.
Check Okta.
Click the Save Changes button.
Log in
Visit the login form in Cerb.
Click the Okta button.
Log in using your Okta ID.
Accept consent.
You should be logged into Cerb as the worker associated with your Okta email address.