
Release announcements, helpful tips, and community discussion


Cerb (9.4.6) is a maintenance update released on January 06, 2020. It includes 8 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 9.4 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.

  • [Mail/Reply/Compose] When composing and replying, fixed the autocomplete shortcut of Ctrl+Space so it doesn’t trigger on Ctrl+Cmd+Space – the emoji picker shortcut in macOS/Safari. [#1125]

  • [Mail/Reply/Custom Fields] Fixed an issue when replying. Changes to a multi-checkbox custom field weren’t being saved. This had to do with validation checking against possible values but not ignoring the leading + or - for the delta set/unset. [#1124]

  • [Mail/Comments] Fixed an issue with @mention autocompletion suggestions when composing, replying, and commenting. Suggestions were being generated based on just the full name and not the mention nickname. Both are now considered. [#1126]

  • [Mail/Reply] Fixed an issue when replying to mail where the ‘Save without sending’ option could disobediently still send a message. [#1127]

  • [Worklists/Import] On worklists, the CSV import option can now properly set multi-checkbox custom fields. Multiple word options can be wrapped in escaped quotes (e.g. \"Multiple Words\"). New options are added to the existing options. Options can be prefixed with - (dash) to unset them on existing records.

  • [Worklists/Bulk/Broadcast] When broadcasting from supported worklists (e.g. email addresses, contacts, orgs), the ‘From:’ is now a group/bucket rather than just a group. This allows finer-grained control over the sender address, signature, and layout/template. [#1130]

  • [Mail/Scheduled/Bots] ‘Before sending message’ bot behaviors can now override the ‘Send at’ option on outgoing replies. This can enforce a scheduled delivery review period for certain classes or workers (e.g. interns), or in certain cohorts (e.g. group/bucket). [#1128]

  • [Records/Tickets/Usability] On ticket worklists, a ‘Participants’ column can now be added. This displays up to three participants as card popup links, with an “and (n) others” search link popup if there are more. [#1129]