
In this guide we'll walk through the process of linking Cerb to Office365. You can use the same process with any Azure API from Cerb bots to automate whatever you need.

Configure an Azure app

Create a new app

  1. Log in to:

  2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory in the top search box.

  3. Select App registrations in the left sidebar.

  4. Click the + New registration button at the top.

  5. Enter:

    Name: Cerb
    Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    Redirect URI Platform: Web
    Redirect URI: https://YOUR-CERB-HOST/oauth/callback
  6. Click the blue Register button at the bottom.

Create client secret

  1. In the new app registration, navigate to Certificates & secrets.

  2. Click the New client secret button in the Client secrets section near the middle of the page.

    Description Cerb
    Expires Never
  3. Click the blue Add button.

  4. Copy the Value (not the Secret ID).

Configure Cerb

Create the connected service

  1. Navigate to Search » Connected Services.

  2. Click (+) button in the right of the gray bar above the worklist.

  3. In the Build tab, enter:

    Name: Office365
    URI: o365
    Type: OAuth2 Provider
    Grant Type: Authorization Code
    Client ID: (from above)
    Client Secret: (from above)
    Authorization URL:{DIRECTORY-ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    Access Token URL:{DIRECTORY-ID}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    Resource Owner URL: (blank)
    Scope: email openid offline_access
    Approval Prompt: (blank)

    You can find the {DIRECTORY-ID} in the Azure portal for your app registration as Directory (tenant) ID.

  4. Paste your Client ID and Client Secret from the credentials you copied earlier.

  5. Click the Save Changes button.

Create the connected account

  1. Navigate to Search » Connected Accounts.

  2. Click (+) button in the right of the gray bar above the worklist.

  3. Select Office365.

  4. Enter:

    Name: Office365 (
  5. Click the blue Link to Office365 button.

  6. Log in with your Office365 account.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. Click the Save Changes button.

Next steps

See: Authenticate an Office365 mailbox using XOAUTH2