
In this guide we'll walk through the process of linking Cerb to Slack. You'll be able to use Slack's full API from automations in Cerb.

Create a new app at Slack

First, you need to create a new app on Slack for Cerb to connect to.

Log in to Slack's developer portal.

Click the green Create New App button.

Select From scratch.

Enter the following details:

App Name: Cerb
Development Slack Team: (your team name)

Click the Create App button.

Configure Slack authentication

You can choose to authenticate with either bot tokens or OAuth2.

This is the simplest authentication method. It uses a single OAuth2 token for the bot and doesn't link Slack user accounts.

Select OAuth & Permissions from the left sidebar.

Scroll down to Scopes.

In Bot Token Scopes click the Add an OAuth Scope button.

Add the chat:write scope.

Scroll up to OAuth Tokens and click the Install button.

Click Allow on the consent screen.

Copy the Bot User OAuth Token.

Option 2: OAuth2

This authentication method links individual Slack users to Cerb connected accounts. Use this if you need to automate a user's account.

Select Basic Information in the left sidebar.

Scroll down to App Credentials and make a note of your Client ID and Client Secret for the next step.

Select OAuth & Permissions from the left sidebar.

Scroll down to Redirect URLs.

Click the Add Redirect URL button and enter the base URL to your Cerb install (e.g. https://YOUR-CERB-HOST/).

Create the Slack connected account in Cerb

In Cerb, navigate to Search » Connected Services.

Click the (+) icon in the top right of the list.

Select Slack.

Enter either the [Bot Tokens] or [OAuth2] fields depending on your authentication option above.

Click the Create button at the bottom of the popup.

Bot Tokens

You're done!


If you're using OAuth2 authentication, you need to link Slack user accounts to Cerb.

Navigate to Search » Connected Accounts.

Click the (+) icon in the top right of the list.

Select Slack.

Click the blue Link to Slack button.

Accept consent on Slack.

Click the Save Changes button.

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