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Get started with the API using the PHP library


This step-by-step guide demonstrates how to use Cerb's PHP library to interact with the API.

Create an API key-pair

If you haven't already, follow these instructions to create an API key-pair.

If you aren't an administrator, you'll need to have one create a key-pair for you.

Create a sample project

Next, we'll create a simple PHP project to send API requests to Cerb.

Download the PHP library and save it as CerbApi.php.

Let's start with a simple request for your account information.

Create a new index.php file with the following content:


define('CERB_BASE_URL', 'https://cerb.example/rest/'); // URL to your Cerb install
define('CERB_ACCESS_KEY', 'XXXX'); // Access Key
define('CERB_SECRET_KEY', 'XXXX');  // Secret Key


$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'workers/me.json');

if(null != ($content_type = $cerb->getContentType())) {
	header("Content-Type: " . $content_type);
	echo $out;

You'll need to modify the following constants:

  • CERB_BASE_URL: Change this to the base URL of your Cerb installation, with /rest/ appended to the index. If you aren't using friendly URLs then append /index.php/rest/ instead.

  • CERB_ACCESS_KEY: This is the public part of your API key-pair. It's sent in API requests to identify you.

  • CERB_SECRET_KEY: This is the private part of your API key-pair. It's never sent in API requests but is used to sign them.

Send the request to the Cerb API

Run your index.php script in a browser or from the command line.

You should receive back a JSON response with your worker details:

  "__build": 2017110901,
  "__status": "success",
  "__version": "8.2.2",
  "_context": "cerberusweb.contexts.worker",
  "_image_url": "https://cerb.example/avatars/worker/1?v=1510279250",
  "_label": "Kina Halpue",
  "address__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.address",
  "address_contact__context": "",
  "address_contact_org__context": "",
  "address_contact_org_email__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.address",
  "address_id": 2,
  "address_org__context": "",
  "address_org_email__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.address",
  "at_mention_name": "Kina",
  "calendar__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.calendar",
  "calendar_id": 1,
  "dob": "1984-01-09",
  "first_name": "Kina",
  "full_name": "Kina Halpue",
  "gender": "F",
  "id": 1,
  "is_disabled": 0,
  "is_superuser": 0,
  "language": "en_US",
  "last_name": "Halpue",
  "location": "Los Angeles, CA USA",
  "mobile": "+15559991234",
  "phone": "",
  "record_url": "https://cerb.example/profiles/worker/1-Kina-Halpue",
  "time_format": "D, d M Y h:i a",
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "title": "Customer Support Manager",
  "updated": 1510279250

Run a search

Now let's send a search request to the API to build a list of open tickets.

Comment out the $cerb->get() request and add the following:

//$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'workers/me.json');

$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/ticket/search.json?q=status:o&expand=owner_,custom_');

We're sending the following parameters to records/ticket/search.json:

  • q: The search query.
  • expand: We want to expand the owner_ and custom_ keys to retrieve full owner and custom field details.

The response should be a JSON array of ticket records, like:

  "__build": 2017110901,
  "__status": "success",
  "__version": "8.2.2",
  "count": 5,
  "page": 1,
  "results": [
      "_context": "cerberusweb.contexts.ticket",
      "_label": "[#AHF-81578-221] Welcome to Cerb!",
      "closed_at": 0,
      "closed": 0,
      "created": 1510279251,
      "elapsed_response_first": "0",
      "elapsed_resolution_first": "0",
      "id": 1,
      "importance": 50,
      "mask": "AHF-81578-221",
      "num_messages": "1",
      "org_id": 0,
      "reopen_date": 0,
      "spam_score": 0.0023,
      "spam_training": "",
      "status_id": 0,
      "subject": "Welcome to Cerb!",
      "updated": 1510279251,
      "status": "open",
      "url": "https://cerb.example/profiles/ticket/AHF-81578-221",
      "group_id": 1,
      "bucket_id": 1,
      "initial_message_id": 1,
      "initial_response_message_id": 0,
      "latest_message_id": 1,
      "owner_id": 0,
      "group__context": "",
      "owner__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.worker",
      "org__context": "",
  "total": 5

Create a task

Comment out the last $cerb->get().

Let's create a task record through the API:

//$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'workers/me.json');
//$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/ticket/search.json?q=status:o&expand=owner_,custom_');

$out = $cerb->post(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/task/create.json', [
	['fields[title]', 'Test the Cerb API'],
	['fields[status]', 'open'],

You should get a JSON response like:

  "__build": 2017110901,
  "__status": "success",
  "__version": "8.2.2",
  "_context": "cerberusweb.contexts.task",
  "_label": "Test the Cerb API",
  "completed": 0,
  "created": 1510362808,
  "due": 0,
  "id": "123",
  "importance": 0,
  "is_completed": false,
  "owner__context": "cerberusweb.contexts.worker",
  "owner_id": 0,
  "record_url": "https://cerb.example/profiles/task/123-Test-the-Cerb-API",
  "reopen": 0,
  "status": "open",
  "status_id": 0,
  "title": "Test the Cerb API",
  "updated": 1510362808

Mark the task as completed

Comment out the $cerb->post() request.

Now let's close the task record we just created. You'll need to replace 123.json with the real id value in your last response above.

//$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'workers/me.json');
//$out = $cerb->get(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/ticket/search.json?q=status:o&expand=owner_,custom_');
//$out = $cerb->post(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/task/create.json', [
//	['fields[title]', 'Test the Cerb API'],
//	['fields[status]', 'open'],

$out = $cerb->put(CERB_BASE_URL . 'records/task/123.json?' . http_build_query([
	'fields[status]' => 'closed',

You should get back an updated ticket record with the new status:

  "__build": 2017110901,
  "__status": "success",
  "__version": "8.2.2",
  "_context": "cerberusweb.contexts.task",
  "_label": "Test the Cerb API",
  "id": "123",
  "is_completed": true,
  "status": "closed",
  "status_id": 1,

Next steps

You can refer to the API documentation for a full list of possible requests.