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Display currently active workers as a dashboard widget


Historically, Cerb displayed a list of currently active workers at the bottom of every workspace page. There was no way to customize, move, copy, or disable this content.

This built-in feature was removed in 9.1.4 in favor of dashboard widgets, which are completely customizable.

In the simplest implementation, the “Who’s Online” widget is just a worker worklist with a filter like:

lastActivity:"-30 minutes" sort:firstName,lastName

The exact style of the original feature can be reproduced with a bot-powered dashboard widget.

We’ve provided a complete example below.

Import the bot package

The following package includes a “Who’s Online” bot with a “Dashboard render widget” behavior.

Follow these instructions to import it.

  "package": {
    "name": "Who's Online Bot",
    "revision": 1,
    "requires": {
      "cerb_version": "9.1.5",
      "plugins": [

    "configure": {
      "placeholders": [

      "prompts": [

  "bots": [
      "uid": "bot_whos_online",
      "name": "Who's Online Bot",
      "owner": {
        "context": "",
        "id": 0
      "is_disabled": false,
      "params": {
        "config": null,
        "events": {
          "mode": "allow",
          "items": [
        "actions": {
          "mode": "all",
          "items": [

      "image": null,
      "behaviors": [
          "uid": "behavior_render_widget",
          "title": "Render: Currently active workers",
          "is_disabled": false,
          "is_private": false,
          "priority": 50,
          "event": {
            "key": "event.dashboard.widget.render",
            "label": "Dashboard render widget"
          "nodes": [
              "type": "action",
              "title": "Load currently active workers",
              "status": "live",
              "params": {
                "actions": [
                    "action": "",
                    "context": "worker",
                    "query": "lastActivity:\"-30 minutes\" isDisabled:n sort:firstName,lastName limit:500",
                    "expand": "",
                    "object_placeholder": "_workers"
              "type": "action",
              "title": "Render",
              "status": "live",
              "params": {
                "actions": [
                    "action": "render_html",
                    "html": "<div id=\"widget{{widget_id}}ActiveWorkers\">\r\n{% for worker in _workers %}\r\n<span style=\"margin-right:5px;\">\r\n<span style=\"text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;\" class=\"cerb-peek-trigger\" data-context=\"worker\" data-context-id=\"{{}}\">{{worker._label}}</span> {% if worker.title %} ({{worker.title}}){% endif %}\r\n</span>\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n$(function() {\r\n\tvar $div = $('#widget{{widget_id}}ActiveWorkers');\r\n\t$div.find('.cerb-peek-trigger').cerbPeekTrigger();\r\n});\r\n</script>"

You should see the following created records:

Create a dashboard widget

You can now display the “Currently active workers” widget on any dashboard.

  1. Navigate to an existing dashboard, or create one by adding a tab to an existing workspace page.

  2. Click the (+) Add Widget button at the top.

  3. Select the Build option at the top.

  4. Use the following details:

    Field Value
    Name: Currently Active Workers
    Type: Bot Custom Widget
    Behavior: Render: Currently active workers
  5. Click the Save Changes button.

You should now see a list of the workers who have been active within the past 30 minutes. Clicking on a worker’s name will open their card.

You can customize the widget’s output by editing the Render: Currently active workers behavior on Who’s Online Bot.