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Cerb (10.4.21) is a maintenance update released on August 28, 2024. It includes 13 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.4 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [Data Queries] In data.query.types data queries, added an optional exclude_custom option to filter out bot-powered data queries.

  • [Sheets/Interactions] In sheets, interaction: columns can now specify an optional icon:.


  • [Automations/Scripting] In automation scripting, added image_info to the filter autocompletion menu.

  • [Installer/Demo] In the installer ‘Demo’ package, updated the default profile images for the example workers.

  • [Sheets/Interactions] In sheets, added bold: as an option on interaction: columns.

  • [Worklists/Tasks] In task worklists, the ‘Status’ column values are lowercase to be consistent with ticket worklists.


  • [Automations] Fixed an issue in automation autocompletion where the as: option shows up in file.write: rather than await:form:elements:fileUpload:.

  • [Docker] Fixed the Docker configuration for MySQL 8.4+.

  • [Interactions/Worker] In interaction.worker automations, fixed an issue with sibling editor: form elements where the last toolbar could be reused on subsequent editors if they lacked a toolbar.

  • [Interactions/Worker] In interaction.worker automations, fixed an issue where fileDownload: await form elements autocompleted with uri: cerb:automation:. Instead, this should be an attachment, automation_resource, or resource.

  • [Interactions/Worker] In interaction.worker automations, fixed an issue with editor: form element syntax highlighting when using html, json, markdown, or yaml.

  • [Sheets] In sheets, fixed an issue with interaction: columns where they always refreshed the current widget after running.

  • [Workspaces/Pages/UX] Fixed an issue with workspace pages using ‘menu’ mode (rather than tabs) where the menu didn’t render properly.