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Cerb (10.4.4) is a maintenance update released on November 09, 2023. It includes 23 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.4 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [Explore/Automations] In interaction.worker.explore automations, custom toolbar interactions support after: options for explore_page and refresh_widgets. The former provides a default for the next page in the explore set when the interaction doesn't return one, which is useful when reusing built-in interactions like cerb.ticket.status or cerb.ticket.move. The latter can refresh widgets if the page is a record profile (for instance, refreshing 'Status' after closing a ticket). Thanks to @myranb for the feature request.

  • [Scheduler/Mailbox] When the scheduler downloads and queues messages from a POP3/IMAP mailbox (cron.mailbox), the filename is now logged to help trace deliveries. The email parser (cron.parser) displays the same filename.

  • [Interactions/Website] In automations, sheets with code blocks (e.g. Markdown) are now displayed with formatting.


  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on email address records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_address search index records. These are properly removed when email addresses are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on comment records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_comment_content search index records. These are properly removed when comments are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on comment records no longer redundantly detects orphaned attachment links. These are properly removed when comments are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on contact records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_contact search index records. These are properly removed when contacts are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on organization records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_org search index records. These are properly removed when orgs are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on organization records no longer redundantly detects orphaned attachment links. These are properly removed when orgs are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on snippet records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_snippet search index records. These are properly removed when snippets are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on ticket records no longer redundantly detects orphaned participant records. These are properly removed when tickets are deleted.

  • [Maintenance/Performance] Nightly maintenance on worker records no longer redundantly detects orphaned fulltext_worker search index records. These are properly removed when workers are deleted.


  • [Profiles/Widgets] Fixed an issue with conditional profile widgets when using the current_worker_ placeholders.

  • [Interactions/Worker] Fixed an issue with interaction.worker automations that use await:interaction: to start another interaction. The interaction caller_, client_, and worker_ placeholders weren't set properly.

  • [Comments] Fixed an issue where comments didn't trigger @mention notifications from some record editors, or if using #comment when composing or replying to mail. This affected 10.4.x versions. It didn't affect the 'Comment' button on cards and profiles. [#1743]

  • [Data Queries] Fixed an issue with autocompletion on data queries where the autocompletion suggestions menu closed prematurely.

  • [Automations/Mail/Moved] Fixed an issue with mail.moved automations where the actor dictionary was empty aside from its record type.

  • [Records/Comments] Fixed an issue when comments are removed on a deleted record. The record.changed automation event wasn't triggered for these comments, and their search index data wasn't removed.

  • [Records/Messages/Maintenance] Fixed an issue where the search index for message_headers records never removed deleted records.

  • [Records/Tickets] Fixed an issue where deleting old tickets from a worklist could purge them without the expected 'undo window'. The undo timer now properly starts from the moment they are deleted (e.g. 7 days of inactivity).

  • [Maintenance/Database] Fixed an issue where context_to_custom_fieldset rows weren't cleaned up in the database after deleting their parent records.

  • [Records/Widgets] Fixed an issue in 'Record Fields' widgets on cards/profiles/workspaces where custom fields in fieldsets didn't open card popups on click. Thanks to @mryanb for the bug report!

  • [Widgets/Permissions] Fixed a permission issue when configuring some workspace widgets as a non-admin worker. Thanks to @nicholsk18 for the bug report! [#1747]