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Cerb (10.4.3) is a maintenance update released on September 14, 2023. It includes 15 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.4 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [Automations/Events] Added a record.merged automation event. This triggers after a set of records have been merged together into a target, but before the source records are deleted. Thanks to 1Password for the feature request!


  • [Automations/Resources] In resource.get automations, autocompletion suggestions are now offered for return:file:.

  • [Automations/Resources] In automations, the command now properly suggests resource records in the uri: option. Previously only automation resources and attachments were suggested.

  • [Resources/Performance] Dynamic resources (resource.get automations) now cache their output on the server-side if return:expires_at: is provided. Previously, a browser was instructed to cache the response (for images) but repeated requests still ran the automation each time.

  • [Sheets/Icons] In sheets, an icon: column may now define both record_uri: and image:. If the former is empty or invalid it will fall back to the latter.

  • [Interactions/Worker] In interaction.worker automations, sheet element paging links and checkboxes are no longer included when autofocusing the first interactive element. This is more likely to be a text input or button.

  • [Avatars/Resources/Sheets] The /avatars/ endpoint can now display image-based resource records. This can be used by sheets with icon columns to display arbitrary images.

  • [Dashboards/Prompts] In dashboard workspace tabs, text: prompts may now use params:hidden@bool: to conditionally hide the prompt. This is particularly useful for storing constants shared by many widgets for simplified configuration. Thanks to @mryanb for the feature request!


  • [Automations] In automations, fixed an issue with the api.command: cerb.commands.dataset.vector_similarity where dynamic resources (resource.get automations) weren’t loaded properly.

  • [Automations] In automations, fixed an issue with where dynamic resources (resource.get automations) weren’t loaded properly.

  • [Automations/Timers] Fixed an issue with recurring automation timers where they would self-disable after any error in the automation or event. Failed timers now properly run again at the next interval as expected.

  • [Mail/Compose/Reply] Fixed an issue when composing or replying to tickets. These actions are now more graceful in the rare event a message record fails to create in the database after sending (e.g. network trouble). The draft is no longer removed and the message can be retried.

  • [Log/Automations] Fixed an issue with record.changed automations not triggering for new activity log entries.

  • [Packages/Resources] Fixed an issue with creating multiple resource records in the same package.

  • [Toolbars] The comment.editor toolbar now includes a caller parameter for the full text of the editor. Previously, only selected_text was available.