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Cerb (9.5.5) is a maintenance update released on April 30, 2020. It includes 5 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 9.5 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.

  • [Sheets] On sheets, in text columns, fixed an issue with the value_map: option.

  • [Notifications/UX] On notification worklists, fixed a usability issue with advancing past the last page. For instance, if a worker opened up notifications in browser tabs, the list could be shortened, and the ‘next’ page link was showing an empty list. Now when any non-first page is empty, the new last page of the list will be calculated and used instead. This also covers the refresh action.

  • [Records/Workers/Cards] On worker cards, fixed an issue with ‘Mention Name’ in ‘Record Fields’ widgets.

  • [Worklists/Search/UX] On worklist search queries, improved the usability of the suggestions menu. Previously, the suggestions menu stole focus and automatically selected the first item, which could significantly interfere with typing – especially on fulltext searches. Now, the menu is no longer focused when suggestions are made, and a selection must be made manually (with down arrow or the mouse). Otherwise, continued typing or the RETURN key will dismiss the menu. [#1228]

  • [Plugins/Twitter] Fixed an issue with replying to tweets from their card popup.