Solutions Hub
Browse the collection of expertly crafted automations, integrations, widgets, and data queries.
Add a column to dictionaries
Use `|merge` filter to add new columns to dictionaries.
Append values to arrays and lists
Add new values to existing arrays and lists.
Apply filters
Apply filters to a block of text.
Arbitrary records as input
Accept an arbitrary record type and ID as input to create an expandable placeholder.
Sum or multiply an array of numbers
Use `array_sum` and `reduce` to calculate the sum or product of an array of numbers.
Batch list items into sets
Use `|batch` filter to split lists into smaller sets of items.
Break a while loop with a condition
Abort an infinite while loop with conditional logic.
Calculate length
Calculate the length of a list or string using scripting.
Calculate week ranges
Use `date_lerp` to calculate the weekly date ranges for a year.
Change text case
Change the case time of given text using scripting.
Compare list differences
Use the `array_diff()` function to find elements unique to a list.
Compare values using boolean logic
Compare values using boolean logic groups with `and`, `or`, and `not`.
Compare with operators
Use comparison operators to evaluate values.
Conditional branching statements
Use decision blocks and conditional logic for branching.
Conditional values
Perform inline conditional logic in a placeholder value.
Convert HTML to Markdown
Use the `|html_to_text` filter to convert HTML content to Markdown format.
Convert Markdown to HTML
Use the `|markdown_to_html` filter to convert Markdown content to HTML format.
Create a comment
Use `record.create:` to create a comment on any record.
Create a dictionary from arrays
Use `array_combine()` to create a dictionary from lists of keys and values.
Create an email draft
Create and schedule a draft record for outgoing email.
Create a ZIP attachment
Use `file.write:` to create a ZIP archive with arbitrary files.
Date comparisons
Check to see if a date is in the past or future.
Date modification
Use the `|date_modify` filter to add or subtract units of time from dates.
Debug search query SQL
Generate the underlying SQL statement for any record search query.
Escape untrusted data query parameters
Safely handle untrusted user input in data queries using query parameters.
Escape placeholders
Escape placeholders in a value using the `@raw` annotation.
Extract dictionary columns
Extract a column from a list of dictionaries.
Extract and rewrite URLs in text
Extract all links from a text block and optionally rewrite them (e.g. click tracking).
Extract text using regular expressions
Use regular expression patterns to extract matching text within automation scripting.
Extract ZIP files
Read a ZIP manifest and extract files from an attachment record.
Filter array values
Use the `|filter` modifier with arrow functions to match specific array values.
Filter dictionary keys
Use the `|filter` modifier with arrow functions to match dictionary keys.
Find month end dates
Use the `|date_modify` filter to find the last day of each month.
Format dates and timezones
Use the `|date` filter to format dates and handle different timezones.
HTTP GET request
Fetch data from an HTTP endpoint.
HTTP POST request with a form payload
Make an HTTP POST request with form-encoded data.
HTTP POST request with a JSON payload
Send a JSON payload to an HTTP endpoint.
HTTP responses with XPath
Make an HTTP GET request and extract data from HTML responses using XPath.
Iterate objects with key and value
Iterate though a set of objects with both keys and values with repeat.
Iterate through unknown placeholders
Use `cerb_placeholders_list()` to iterate through placeholders with unknown keys.
JSON encode and decode
Use `json_decode()` function and `|json_encode` filter to convert between JSON and native data types.
Key expandable placeholders
Create an arbitrary variable that supports key expansion by using a shared prefix.
Loop through a range of numbers
Loop through a range of numbers with an optional step value.
Loop search results
Use the `repeat:` command to iterate records from search results.
Map array values
Use the `|map` modifier with arrow functions to transform array values.
Optional conditional keys
Use the `@optional` annotation to omit keys based on conditional values.
Page through search results in a sheet
Display a sheet of record search results with paging in a worker interaction.
Prepend a prefix to a text block
Add a prefix to each line in a given block of text.
Random array values
Generate an array filled with random numeric values.
Record watchers
Manage watchers on any record with `record.update:` and links.
Relay email messages to workers
Relay email messages to workers using an external email client.
Report a ticket as spam
Report a ticket as spam with automations.
Retroactive metric values
Log retroactive or custom values on a metric.
Return dictionary keys
Use the `|keys` filter to get a list of dictionary property names.
Reverse text or lists
Reverse any given text or list using scripting.
Round floating point numbers
Various rounding methods to format decimal numbers in automation scripting.
Scope scripting variables
Use `with` command to create isolated variable scopes.
Search records with a query
Search records with an arbitrary query and save the results into a variable.
Set dictionary values
Use dictionary structures to set and expand dynamic values.
Set a dynamic key name
Use `var.set:` to make a key with a dynamic name.
Set nested dictionary keys
Use the `dict_set()` function to set deeply nested keys in dictionaries.
Shuffle lists and strings
Use the `shuffle` function to randomly reorder lists and strings.
Simulate errors
Simulate random errors in automation commands with `on_simulate:`.
Sort with comparator
Use the `|sort` filter with arrow functions to create custom sorting rules.
Split text with delimiter
Use the `|split` filter to divide text into arrays using delimiters.
Strip common prefixes from text lines
Use the `|strip_lines` filter to remove prefixes from each line in a block of text.
Trim whitespace in scripting tags
Use tag modifiers and `|spaceless` filter to control whitespace.
Validate OAuth2 tokens
Validate OAuth2 bearer tokens in webhook automations.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Airtable.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
This page provides a comprehensive guide on integrating Cerb with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
This page provides a detailed guide on integrating Cerb with Office365 by configuring an Azure app and setting up Cerb.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Dropbox.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and ElevenLabs.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Facebook.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and GitHub.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and GitLab.
This page provides a comprehensive guide on integrating Cerb with Gmail by configuring Google APIs and setting up Cerb.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and ipstack.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and LinkedIn.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Notion.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and OpenAI.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and OpenWeather.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Pinecone.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Postmark.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Salesforce.
This page provides a comprehensive guide on integrating Cerb with Slack, detailing the steps to create a new Slack app and configure authentication using either bot tokens or OAuth2.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Smartsheet.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Stripe.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Tavily.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Together AI.
A step-by-step guide for integrating Cerb and Twilio.