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Custom Fields

Records in Cerb can be extended with custom fields and fieldsets. These fields are available in the API responses using key expansion.

Custom field types

A custom field is created with one of the following types:

Type Description
(C) Checkbox/Bit A true or false value, represented by 1 or 0 respectively.
(D) Dropdown/Picklist A single selection from a predefined list of options.
(E) Date A 32-bit Unix timestamp integer, representing the number of elapsed seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
(F) File A file contained within the storage service.
(I) Multiple File Multiple files contained within the storage service.
(L) Record Link A link to another record.
(M) List A list of multiple text values.
(N) Number An unsigned 32-bit whole number.
(S) Single Line A single line of text.
(T) Multiple Lines Multiple lines of text, with linefeeds preserved.
(U) URL A Uniform Resource Locator to a web page.
(W) Worker A single selection from the list of active workers.
(X) Multiple Checkboxes Any number of selections from a predefined list of options.

Working with custom fields in the API

Building a list of the available custom fields

You can retrieve custom field information using the /records API endpoint.

The available custom fields and fieldsets for a specific record type can also be retrieved using the /contexts/list endpoint:

GET /rest/contexts/list.json

This will return a list of record types with custom field information, like the following example:

   id: "cerberusweb.contexts.ticket",
   name: "Ticket",
   plugin_id: "cerberusweb.core",
   custom_fields: [
         id: 146,
         name: "Due",
         type: "E"
         id: 143,
         name: "Priority",
         type: "D",
         params: {
            options: [
   custom_fieldsets: [
         id: "1",
         name: "Billing",
         owner__context: "",
         owner_id: "5",
         custom_fields: [
               id: 14,
               name: "Invoice #",
               type: "S"
         id: "45",
         name: "Impact",
         owner__context: "",
         owner_id: "2",
         custom_fields: [
               id: 166,
               name: "Severity",
               type: "D",
               params: {
                  options: [
                     "4 - Suggestion",
                     "3 - Need assistance",
                     "2 - Something isn't right",
                     "1 - Urgent"
                  context: "cerberusweb.contexts.activity_log"

Retrieving custom fields on records

Custom fields can be retrieved on records using key expansion in GET requests:

GET /rest/records/tickets/123.json?expand=custom_

The keys for custom fields are in the format custom_123, where 123 is the ID. The labels and types of each custom field are in the _labels and _types keys respectively.

Retrieving custom fields on search results

Custom fields can be retrieved in search results using key expansion in POST requests:

POST /rest/records/tickets/search.json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


When using an official library, the requests look like:

$postfields = array(
$out = $cerb->post($base_url . 'records/tickets/search.json', $postfields);

The keys for custom fields are in the format custom_123, where 123 is the ID. The labels and types of each custom field are in the results_meta key.

Setting custom fields on records

Custom fields can be set on records in PUT requests:

PUT /rest/records/tickets/123.json?expand=custom_
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


When using an official library, the requests look like:

$putfields = array(
$out = $cerb->put($base_url . 'records/tickets/123.json?expand=custom_', $putfields);

Each custom field value is sent as a form field in the format fields[custom_123]=value, where 123 is the ID, and value is determined by the custom field type.