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The web API is organized into endpoints. For instance, ticket-related actions are found in the tickets module.

A request is performed by pairing an HTTP verb with the appropriate path as a URL.

An extension of .json or .xml is added to the path to specify the format that the server should use for the response.

Some actions require a payload, which uses the standard HTTP POST web form format1 of key/value pairs.


There are five verbs: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.


A GET request performs simple retrieval actions. It may only specify options in the URL (i.e. path and query string).

For instance, this request retrieves the record for ticket #5 in JSON format:

GET /rest/records/ticket/5.json

Similarly, this request retrieves the record for organization #9 in XML format, including custom fields:

GET /rest/records/org/9.xml?expand=custom_


A PUT request updates an existing record. It may specify options in the URL and must provide a payload.

For instance, this request updates the subject on ticket record #5 using a form-encoded payload:

PUT /rest/records/ticket/5.json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


Notice how the path above is exactly the same as the first GET example? The path refers to a specific record, and the verb describes what is being done to it. The PUT verb performs a different action.

When using the official libraries, payload encoding is performed automatically. In this situation, you would just provide an associative array of key/value pairs instead. The possible keys are available in the documentation for each module and action.


A POST request performs complex actions that require a payload, such as record creation and searching.

For instance, this request searches tickets for masks that start with ABC and returns results in JSON format:

POST /rest/records/ticket/search.json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


Like with a PUT request, the payload encoding of a POST is handled automatically by the official libraries. The payload format is described by the documentation for each module and action.


A PATCH request partially modifies a record. Currently, patching is only used by upserts.

For instance, this request upserts (updates or inserts) an organization record and returns results in JSON format:

PATCH /rest/records/org/upsert.json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


Like with a PUT request, the payload encoding of a PATCH is handled automatically by the official libraries. The payload format is described by the documentation for each module and action.


A DELETE request permanently removes the record specified in the URL.

For instance, this request deletes ticket record #5:

DELETE /rest/records/ticket/5.json
