
Release announcements, helpful tips, and community discussion


Cerb (10.4.9) is a maintenance update released on January 30, 2024. It includes 9 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.4 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [API/Automations] In the REST API, a new endpoint (automations/logs/search.json) searches automation log entries using queries. This makes it much easier to keep an eye on automation errors with external monitoring tools. Thanks to ChargeOver for the feature request.

  • [Code Editors/UX] In code editors (automations, events, toolbars), added keyboard shortcuts to resize the editor. Ctrl+Shift+Down grows the editor and Ctrl+Shift+Up shrinks it. These will have a UI eventually. Thanks to @mryanb for the feature request.


  • [API/Mail/Reply] When using the tickets/reply.json API endpoint, if a worker_id is provided by an admin token, the activity log entries for the reply and its consequent actions (status, move, assign) are attributed to that impersonated worker and not the token’s owner. This makes it easier for integrations to reply on behalf of multiple workers. Thanks to 1Password for the feature request.

  • [Automations/Timers] When an automation timer is disabled, its pending continuations are now automatically cancelled. Previously, there was no obvious way to reset an automation that ended in the await: state. Thanks to @myranb for the feature request.

  • [Custom Records/UX] When editing custom records, if ‘Cerb’ is the only possible owner then the ‘Owner:’ field isn’t displayed.


  • [Automations/Outcomes] Fixed an obscure issue in automations where a standalone outcome: command (not a child of decision:) re-evaluated its if: condition after every command in the then: branch. For instance, if an outcome:if: was originally true, it could become false due to an outcome:then:set: and refuse to run the remaining commands. The if: condition is now properly only evaluated once when entering the outcome.

  • [Explore/Interactions] Fixed an issue in interaction.worker.explore automations where explore toolbar buttons could re-bind event listeners when the lower page refreshed. For instance, this could inexplicably open multiple interaction popups for a single button click.

  • [Worklists/Custom Records] Fixed an issue in worklists where a ‘record link’ custom field column didn’t properly display the record label if the target was a custom record type.

  • [Worklists/Subtotals/Custom Records] Fixed an issue in worklists where subtotaling by a ‘record link’ custom field column didn’t properly display the record label if the target was a custom record type.