
Release announcements, helpful tips, and community discussion


Cerb (8.1.5) is a maintenance update released on October 16, 2017. It includes 10 fixes and minor features from community feedback covering the 8.1 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.

  • [Bots/Recurrent Behaviors] In bots, added the following actions to recurrent behaviors: create comment, create notification, create task, create ticket, send email, and set links.

  • [Import Packages] Fixed an issue with importing packages that used placeholders. Thanks @mattmartincouk for reporting!

  • [Bots/Messages] Fixed an issue on message-based bot behaviors where ticket_group_ and group_ placeholders were used interchangeably (even in picker menus), but only the latter worked. Thanks @mattmartincouk!

  • [Bots/Interactions/Actions] In conversational bot interactions with workers, added a new ‘Prompt with date input’ action. This normalizes date input and provides a popup calendar, similar to how date input works in the rest of Cerb. Once a date is entered and normalized, a ‘send’ button appears and is automatically focused. This allows a worker to enter a date line Monday 9am Europe/London and then make adjustments to the localized time before proceeding.

  • [Bots/Interactions] Fixed an issue with bot profile images on the conversation popup window. Images weren’t being updated and re-cached when the bot’s updated date changed.

  • [Bots/Custom Fields] In bots, fixed an issue with conditions that used multi-checkbox custom fields comparisons. These were sometimes failing on valid comparisons. Thanks @mattmartincouk! [#340]

  • [Bots/Parser] In bots, fixed an issue with setting custom fields on linked records from Before new incoming message is accepted events. Thanks @mattmartincouk for extensive debugging reports!

  • [Bots/Mail/Filters] In bot mail filtering behaviors, fixed an issue with setting date-based custom fields. The placeholder and calendar options were being ignored. Thanks @mattmartincouk! [#465]

  • [Profiles/Tickets] Fixed an issue with the shortcuts at the top of ticket profiles. If a worker had write access to a ticket but wasn’t a group member (e.g. admins, or public groups) then the shortcut resulted in a blank white screen. [#461]

  • [Bots] In ‘Before message sent from worker’ behaviors, added ‘Group’ and ‘Ticket bucket’ as targets. This provides access to group placeholders and custom fields when modifying the outgoing messages. [#467]