
Release announcements, helpful tips, and community discussion


Cerb (8.3.4) is a maintenance update released on March 30, 2018. It includes 11 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 8.3 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.

  • [Packages] In packages, if a prompted chooser key ends with _id then all of that record’s placeholders will be available in the package. For instance, if a chooser sets worker_id, then placeholders like worker__label and worker_first_name are available.

  • [Security] Added the noopener flag to outbound links from Cerb to combat tabnabbing.

  • [Packages/Messages] When importing message records in packages, the content field can now be blank. [#647]

  • [Packages/Tickets] When importing ticket records in packages, the participants field can be empty.

  • [Bots/Conditions] In bots, added a new outcome condition for Calendar day of month. Previously this had to be handled with a custom script condition. [#646]

  • [Bots/Prompts] In conversational bots, when using chooser prompts, if the saved placeholder ends with _id then all of the placeholders of that record will be available. For instance, a placeholder like prompt_worker_id can then refer to prompt_worker__label and prompt_worker_first_name.

  • [Records/Tickets/Search] When searching ticket records, the comments: filter is now capable of deep searching. For instance comments:(id:>0) to only search tickets with comments. [#650]

  • [Records/Messages/Search] When searching message records, the notes: filter is now capable of deep searching.

  • [Bots/Prompts/Files] In conversational bots, when using file upload prompts, placeholders for the uploaded file are available if the key ends with _id. For instance, for a placeholder like prompt_file_id you can access prompt_file__label, prompt_file_mime_type, and prompt_file_size. This simplifies validation.

  • [Bots/Prompts/Files] In conversational bots, when using file upload prompts, the ‘save to placeholder, formatting, and validation options are now available.

  • [Bots/Prompts] In conversational bots that use prompts, failing validation now clears any placeholders that were previously set by that prompt.