
Release announcements, helpful tips, and community discussion

Recent announcements from Cerb: April 2017

The sneak peek

The security notice

We strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version.

During one of our own security audits, we recently discovered a potential information leak that could be abused by a malicious worker under the right conditions. We have no evidence that the vulnerability has ever been used. It only affects a small number of self-hosted environments where common security practices already aren’t being followed; but it would be possible back to 5.x versions.

If you use Cerb Cloud, we’ve already upgraded you. Cerb Cloud wasn’t vulnerable to this issue.

We believe in responsible disclosure. We will refrain from publishing any details about the potential vulnerability for a few weeks so that you have a chance to upgrade first.

Please contact us if you require any assistance during the upgrade process.

6 new maintenance updates

Since our last announcement, there have been six weekly maintenance updates with a total of 90 minor features and fixes from community feedback.

You can find those release notes here:

  • 7.3.3 with 19 improvements.
  • 7.3.4 with 11 improvements.
  • 7.3.5 with 9 improvements.
  • 7.3.6 with 19 improvements.
  • 7.3.7 with 13 improvements.
  • 7.3.8 with 19 improvements.

6 new how-to guides

We recently added these new how-to guides:

We’ll be posting new guides and tips every week. Let us know what other topics you’d like us to write about.

Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates about new articles.

10 new tips

Here are the new tips and tricks:

Thanks for using Cerb!

Thanks for supporting Cerb’s development. Keep the great feedback coming!