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Cerb uses the OAuth 2.01 industry standard for authenticating API requests.

Older versions (prior to 9.1) used API authentication with request signatures instead. XOAuth tokens should be used when possible, but request signature authentication will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future.

Creating an OAuth App

To generate API credentials, you first need to create an OAuth app in Cerb. You must be an administrator to create an app, but the credentials may then be used by third-parties they are shared with.

To create an app:

  • Navigate to Search » OAuth Apps.

  • Click the (+) icon above the worklist to create a new app.

Enter the following details:

  • Name: (the name of your application or integration)
  • Callback URL: (aka Redirect URL; the endpoint URL in your application that receives OAuth2 responses)
  • Website: (the optional URL of your application's website)


When an application connects to an OAuth2 server it requests a set of scopes. These are the privileges that are associated with the access token that is returned. Scopes allow an application to request the minimal set of privileges necessary to fulfill its duties.

When creating an OAuth App you can define the scopes that are available.

The available scopes are defined in YAML:

 label: Access your profile information
  - workers/me: GET

 label: Search records on your behalf
  - records/*/search: [GET]

 label: Make any read-only API request on your behalf
  - "*": [GET]

 label: Make any API request on your behalf

Each scope is identified by a name.

The label: field describes the scope when a worker is granting your application access to their account.

The endpoints: field is a list of API endpoints and HTTP methods that the scope provides. Wildcards are specified using an asterisk (*).

The default scopes document specifies four scopes:

Scope Description
profile Access your profile information
search Search records on your behalf
api:read-only Make any read-only API request on your behalf
api Make any API request on your behalf

For instance, an application that uses the API for reporting could use the default api:read-only scope which prohibits the creation and modification of data.

Client ID and Secret

When you create an OAuth app, a pair of secure credentials is automatically generated for you.

  • The Client ID identifies a particular client that connects to the API using your new application. You can think of this like a username.

  • As the name suggests, the Client Secret must be kept private within your application. You should not commit it to a public code repository. It is used to verify that an application has permission to generate access tokens.

Click the Save Changes button to create your app.

Authenticating API requests with OAuth2

Cerb currently only supports the Authorization Code grant type in the OAuth2 authentication flow.

You will need the following information to generate an access token:

  • The Client ID and Client Secret for the app you created above.

  • The Authorization URL: https://YOUR-CERB-HOST/oauth/authorize

  • The Access Token URL: https://YOUR-CERB-HOST/oauth/access_token

  • A Callback URL (also called a Redirect URL) which must match the one specified in your OAuth app above.

  • One or more Scopes separated by a space.

Once you receive an access token, you need to include it in the HTTP headers of API requests:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN>


  1. OAuth 2.0 -