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mail.send automation events can modify sent message drafts before they are delivered.

For instance, appending a unique survey link to only the sent html message (not text, nor the copy Cerb saves), setting custom fields, or adding custom mail headers to prevent Sendgrid from rewriting the Message-Id: header.

Content modifications can target any combination of text/html on the sent/saved message.


The automation event dictionary starts with the following values:

Key Type Notes
draft_* record The draft record. Supports key expansion.


Key Type Notes
content: dictionary A dictionary of content modifications
draft:params: dictionary A dictionary of draft parameter modifications


Key Type Notes
append: object Append text to the message content
prepend: object Prepend text to the message content
replace: object Replace text in the message content

Multiple instances of a content modification should have a unique name (e.g. append/alias:).


Key Type Notes
on: object html@bool:, text@bool:, saved@bool:, sent@bool: (default yes on all)
text: string The text to append


Key Type Notes
on: object html@bool:, text@bool:, saved@bool:, sent@bool: (default yes on all)
text: string The text to prepend


Key Type Notes
on: object html@bool:, text@bool:, saved@bool:, sent@bool: (default yes on all)
text: string The text to replace
with: string The replacement text