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webhook.respond automations are triggered by a webhook listener that receives an HTTP request.

This trigger uses event handler KATA, and the first enabled automation is executed.


The automation dictionary starts with the following values:

Key Type Notes
request_body string The request body as text.
request_client_ip string The client IP making the requst (e.g.
request_headers dictionary The request headers. Keys are lowercase with dashes as underscores (e.g. content_type).
request_method string Method name in uppercase (e.g. POST).
request_params dictionary The query string parameters. Keys are lowercase with dashes as underscores (e.g. query_string).
request_path string The request path (e.g. some/folder/file.ext).



Key Type Notes
body: string The body content to return. Use body@base64: for binary. Stream large content from automation resources (cerb:automation_resource:TOKEN) and resources (cerb:resource:NAME) by URI.
headers: dictionary A set of key: value paris (e.g. Content-Type: application/json).
status_code: integer HTTP status code (e.g. 200=OK, 403=Forbidden, 404=Not Found, 500=Error).