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Reference: Tests

A test is an expression that returns a boolean value (true or false).

Tests are performed using the is and is not operators.

When used as output, a test returns 1 for true, and nothing for false.

These tests are available in bot scripts and snippets:


The empty test checks if a variable is an empty string, empty array, empty object, false, or null.

"": {{"" is empty}}
[]: {{[] is empty}}
{}: {{{ } is empty}}
false: {{false is empty}}
not something: {{"something" is not empty}}
"": 1
[]: 1
{}: 1
false: 1
not something: 1 


The even test checks if a numeric variable is even.

1: {{1 is even ? 'even' : 'odd'}}
2: {{2 is even ? 'even' : 'odd'}}
1: odd
2: even


The iterable test checks if a variable is an array or iterable object.

123: {{123 is iterable ? 'iterable' : 'not iterable'}}
[1,2,3]: {{[1,2,3] is iterable ? 'iterable' : 'not iterable'}}
123: not iterable
[1,2,3]: iterable


The null test checks if a variable is null.

undefined: {{unknownVariable is null ? 'null' : 'defined'}}
123: {{123 is null ? 'null' : 'constant'}}
{% set name = 'Kina Halpue' %}
name: {{name is null ? 'null' : 'defined'}}
undefined: null
123: constant
name: defined


The numeric test checks if a variable is numeric.

123: {{123 is numeric ? 'numeric' : 'not numeric'}}
abc: {{"abc" is numeric ? 'numeric' : 'not numeric'}}
[1,2,3]: {{[1,2,3] is numeric ? 'numeric' : 'not numeric'}}
123: numeric
abc: not numeric
[1,2,3]: not numeric


The odd test checks if a numeric variable is odd.

1: {{1 is even ? 'even' : 'odd'}}
2: {{2 is even ? 'even' : 'odd'}}
1: odd
2: even


The pattern test checks if a variable matches any pattern in a set.

The variable can be a string or an array. The test accepts one or more patterns where asterisks (*) denote wildcards.

{% set recipient = "support@cerb.example" %}
{{recipient is pattern ("support@*", "*")}}


The prefixed test checks if a string variable starts with any pattern in a set.

The test accepts one or more patterns.

{% set subject = "[Bugs] New issue reported" %}
{{subject is prefixed ("[Bugs]")}}

record type

The record type test checks if an expression matches any of a list of record types. Record types can be specified as extension IDs (e.g. cerberusweb.contexts.ticket) or URIs (e.g. ticket).

{% set record__context = 'cerberusweb.contexts.task' %}
{{record__context is record type ('task','ticket')}}

same as

The same as test checks if two variables are of the same exact type and value. This avoids type coercion (e.g. converting strings to numbers).

{% set number = 1 %}
{% set string = "1" %}
{{number is same as string ? 'same' : 'not same'}}
not same


The suffixed test checks if a string variable ends with any pattern in a set.

The test accepts one or more patterns.

{% set domain = "" %}
{{domain is suffixed (".ai", ".com")}}