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Cerb (10.3.5) is a maintenance update released on January 13, 2023. It includes 8 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.3 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [Automations/Editor/UX] When saving the automation editor, the code and policy are now properly validated first. Any unresolved errors will prevent the save from continuing. This makes it harder to unwittingly deploy a script with non-obvious errors (e.g. scripting syntax in logic that runs infrequently).

  • [Automations/Events/UX] When saving the automation event editor, the event KATA syntax is now properly validated first. Any unresolved errors will prevent the save from continuing.

  • [Maint/Performance] Slightly improved the performance of the maintenance scheduler when purging orphaned attachments.

  • [Search/Fulltext] Added a few more ‘stop words’ to the full-text search indexer. This can speed up multiple term searches.

  • [Sheets/Export] When exporting data from sheet widget to CSV or JSON, a text format is now used rather than HTML. [#1711]


  • [Mail/Parser] Fixed an issue when parsing an email message with a text/html part and no text/plain part. If an img tag contained a src attribute without a valid URL (e.g. Content-ID), then the message could be left in the fail queue.

  • [Automations/Groups] Fixed an issue with legacy group behaviors that moved to the record.changed automation event (“Ticket Assigned/Moved/Closed in Group”). In some cases these could trigger multiple times.

  • [Automations/Interactions/UX] Fixed an issue in worker interactions where multiple text fields set the cursor focus. This led to odd outcomes like the last field in a form having focus. Thanks to Flexibits for the bug report! [#1703]