The records.worklist toolbar is displayed below worklists.


Navigate to Search » Toolbars.

Edit the record for records.worklist.

Add interactions using toolbar KATA.

  label: custom explore
  icon: play-button
  uri: cerb:automation:cerb.worklist.buttons.explore
    open_new_tab: yes
  class: action-always-show

The following placeholders are available in KATA:

worklist_record_type The record type of the worklist (e.g. ticket).
worklist_id The id of the worklist (e.g. cust_1234).
worklist_query The query of the worklist (e.g. status:o group:Support).
worklist_query_required The required query of the worklist (e.g. status:o group:Support).
worklist_page The current page of the worklist (e.g. 2).
worklist_limit The number of records per worklist page (e.g. 25).
worker_* The active worker record. Supports key expansion.

Override built-in functionality by naming an interaction one of these:

interaction/explore: Replace the default ‘explore’ button below worklists with a custom interaction.


Caller: cerb.toolbar.records.worklist


The following caller_params are passed to the interaction:

Key Type  
worklist_id string The ID of the displayed worklist.
worklist_record_type string The record type of the displayed worklist.
selected_record_ids array An array of selected record IDs in the worklist (if any).


The caller expects no outputs.


Key Type  
refresh_worklist@bool: boolean Refresh the worklist after the interaction ends