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Automation Event Listener

Name (singular): Automation Event Listener
Name (plural): Automation Event Listeners
Alias (uri): automation_event_listener
Identifier (ID): cerb.contexts.automation.event.listener

Records API

These fields are available in the Records API and packages:

Req’d Field Type Notes
  event_kata text  
x event_name text  
  is_disabled number (0-1)
  links links An array of record type:id tuples to link to. Prefix with - to unlink.
x name text The name of this automation event listener
  priority number (0-255)
  updated_at timestamp The date/time when this record was last modified
  workflow_id number  

Dictionary Placeholders

These placeholders are available in dictionaries for automations, snippets, and API responses:

Field Type Description
_context text Record type extension ID
_label text Label
_type text Record type alias
event_kata text Event Kata
event_name text Automation Event
id number Id
is_disabled boolean Disabled
name text Name
priority number Priority
record_url text Record Url
updated_at date Updated
workflow_id number

These optional placeholders are also available with key expansion in dictionaries and the API:

Field Type Description
comment_count number Comment count on the record
comments comments Comments
custom_<id> mixed Custom Fields
links links Links

Search Query Fields

These filters are available in automation event listener search queries:

Field Type Description
created: date Created
event: text Event
fieldset: record Fieldset
id: number Id
isDisabled: boolean Disabled
links: links Record Links
name: text Name
priority: number Priority
updated: date Updated chooser Workflow

Worklist Columns

These columns are available on automation event listener worklists:

Column Description
a_created_at Created
a_event_name Event
a_id Id
a_is_disabled Disabled
a_name Name
a_priority Priority
a_updated_at Updated
a_workflow_id Workflow
cf_<id> Custom Field