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Queues store a set of temporary messages from producers and distribute them to consumers in the order they were received.


Each queue has a unique, namespaced identifier (e.g. using dot-notation.

The cerb. prefix is reserved for built-in queues. You can create your queues with any other prefix.

By convention, the prefix is most often a domain name you own in reverse order (e.g. to ensure global uniqueness. This makes it easier to combine and share queues across multiple Cerb environments.


Messages with arbitrary payloads can be pushed into a queue.

A message is always in one of four states: available, in_flight, failed, or complete.

For instance, every historical ticket can be reviewed by pushing ranges of IDs into a queue as messages.


Concurrent consumers can pop available messages from the queue to process them.

Each consumer is assigned a unique ID.

The number of queue consumers can be scaled up to the desired throughput.

Success and failure

An in_flight queue message is retried after a period of time unless it is marked complete or failed by a consumer.

Using queues in automations

queue.pop Pop items from a queue
queue.push Push items into a queue