Workers with similar skills and duties are organized into groups. The workers assigned to a group are its members.
One or more members of a group may be designated as its managers. Managers control the group’s roster and assets, and determine how its tasks are organized and assigned.
Groups typically reflect existing departments: support, sales, development, marketing, billing, legal, etc. However, groups may alternatively be based on any criteria that suits your needs: division, region, role, product line, and so on.
Some common groups are:
Sales: Inquiries about purchasing your products and services.
Support: Technical questions.
Development: Feature requests and defects.
Billing: Purchase orders and accounting.
You don’t need to figure out which specific person is both responsible for a task and currently available to handle it. Cerb can do that for you much more efficiently.
Instead, you can quickly route a task to the most appropriate group and move on to your next item. That group can organize their own work so each task gets in front of the right person.
Over time, most of this routing can also be done for you with automations.
We recommend configuring a few large groups at first while you become familiar with Cerb. You can then spin off new groups when the largest groups become too busy.