Getting Started

  • Introduction
    This page provides an overview of Cerb, a customizable web-based platform designed for enterprise communication and process automation.
  • Installation
    This page provides information on the various installation options for Cerb, including Docker, Cerb Cloud, and on-premises solutions.
  • Tutorial
    This page describes the built-in 'Tutorial' workflow in Cerb, which provides a workspace page with detailed descriptions and examples of Cerb features.


  • Activity Log
    This page describes the activity log feature in Cerb, which provides an auditable history of events affecting records.
  • Automations
    Automations are state machines written in KATA that transform an input dictionary into an output dictionary. The results are used to automate and customize workflows throughout Cerb.
  • Buckets
    This page explains how group managers in Cerb can organize related tasks into "buckets" to streamline workflow.
  • Calendars
    This page provides information about the Calendars feature in Cerb, which allows users to display any date-based record data on a traditional grid format of months and days.
  • Cards
    This page explains the concept of "cards" in Cerb, which are popup windows that summarize specific records.
  • Classifiers
    This page provides an overview of the Classifiers plugin in Cerb, which offers a straightforward implementation of machine learning for automations.
  • Comments
    This page explains the functionality of adding comments to records in Cerb, which is useful for documenting changes, coordinating work, and asking questions.
  • Connected Accounts
    This page discusses the use of connected accounts in Cerb to enable automations to authenticate and interact with third-party APIs through cryptographic signing of HTTP requests.
  • Connected Services
    This page details the functionality of connected services in Cerb, which facilitate authentication, secure storage, and reuse of user credentials for various third-party services.
  • Contacts
    This page provides an overview of the concept of "Contacts" within Cerb, describing them as the clients, customers, partners, and other entities that workers engage with.
  • Custom Fields
    This page provides an overview of custom fields in Cerb, detailing how they can be added to any record type to meet specific team needs.
  • Custom Fieldsets
    This page explains the concept of custom fieldsets in Cerb, which allow users to group related custom fields together and add them to records as a unit.
  • Dashboards
    This page provides an in-depth overview of Cerb's dashboard functionality, focusing on the customization and configuration of widgets and prompts.
  • Data Queries
    Retrieve complex data using simple text queries and prepare the results for visualizations.
  • Groups
    This page explains the concept of organizing workers into groups within Cerb, where members share similar skills and duties.
  • Interactions
    Interactions are interactive automations that use continuations to pause and resume a multi-step workflow.
  • KATA
    KATA is a human-friendly format for modeling structured data that is used throughout Cerb to describe configurations, customizations, and automations.
  • Maps
    Create interactive map visualizations with geospatial data.
  • Metrics
    his page provides a comprehensive overview of the metrics system in Cerb, detailing how metrics are used to aggregate, store, and compute statistics for time-based data.
  • Notifications
    Notifications keep the right people informed about recent activity on any record.
  • Organizations
    This page explains the concept of an organization within Cerb, describing it as a group of related contacts, such as employees of the same company.
  • Packages
    Packages are a blueprint for importing a related set of pre-configured records into Cerb.
  • Portals
    Portals provide a way to publicly and securely share Cerb data with your customers and partners.
  • Profiles
    This page explains the concept of profiles in Cerb, where each record has a dedicated profile page organized into customizable tabs.
  • Project Boards
    Project boards visually organize and automate a multi-step process.
  • Queues
    Queues store a set of temporary messages from producers and distribute them to consumers in the order they were received.
  • Records
    This page provides an overview of Cerb's record management system, which is essential for organizing team data.
  • Record Links
    This page explains the concept of record links in Cerb, which describe the relationships between different records.
  • Record Types
    This page provides a comprehensive reference for the various record types available in Cerb, including both built-in and plugin-provided types.
  • Reminders
    This page provides an overview of the reminder feature in Cerb, which allows users to schedule messages to be sent to workers at a specific future date and time.
  • Resources
    This page provides an overview of resources in Cerb, which are shared assets utilized by automations and widgets.
  • Roles
    Permissions are granted to workers using roles.
  • Search
    This page provides a comprehensive guide to using search queries in Cerb, a text-based language designed for filtering records efficiently and expressively.
  • Sheets
    Tabular data visualization with a fully customizable text-based schema.
  • Snippets
    This page explains the concept of snippets in Cerb, which allow workers and automations to insert predefined text into messages efficiently.
  • Tickets
    This page provides a comprehensive overview of the ticketing system in Cerb, describing how tickets function as brief projects centered around specific questions or issues.
  • Toolbars
    This page provides a detailed overview of toolbars in Cerb, focusing on their configuration and functionality.
  • Watchers
    This page explains the concept of "watchers" in Cerb, which refers to workers who receive notifications for all new activities on a specific record.
  • Webhooks
    This page provides an overview of Cerb's webhooks plugin, which allows users to create automated responses to real-time events from various services without needing to write custom code.
  • Workers
    This page describes the concept of "workers" in Cerb, who are the individuals representing a team to the outside world.
  • Workflows
    This page provides an overview of Cerb's Workflow KATA, a feature introduced in version 11.0, which allows users to create and manage workflows as templates with versioned updates.
  • Worklists
    This page provides a comprehensive overview of worklists in Cerb, highlighting their functionality as customizable, searchable, pageable, and sortable sets of records.
  • Workspaces
    This page explains the concept of workspaces in Cerb, which are customizable pages designed to enhance specific workflows.

Admin Guide

  • Friendly URLs
    Cerb supports rewriting to make the URLs shorter and more user-friendly.
  • Security
    This page provides a comprehensive guide on securing a Cerb installation, focusing on protecting filesystem access, setting appropriate file permissions, and restricting PHP functions.
  • Quick Start
    This webpage serves as an administrative quick start guide for setting up a new instance of Cerb.
  • Upgrading
    This page provides a comprehensive guide on upgrading Cerb, focusing on using Git for updates on Unix-based servers.
  • Backups
    This page provides a comprehensive guide on setting up and managing backups for Cerb installations.
  • Setup
    This page provides a comprehensive guide for administrators to configure Cerb and its installed plugins through the setup page, accessible from the navigation bar.

Developer Guide

  • Dictionaries
    This page explains how Cerb uses dictionaries to represent records, simplifying complex hierarchical data structures into flat key-value pairs.
  • Scripting
    This page provides a scripting reference for Cerb, focusing on the use of a templating language based on Twig to generate dynamic text for various features like automations and snippets.
  • Plugins
    This page provides a comprehensive guide on using plugins in Cerb to enhance and customize its functionality without conflicting with the core platform updates.
  • Icon Reference
    This page provides a comprehensive reference list of icons available in the Cerb platform, licensed from GLYPHICONS.


  • Intro
    Programmatically interact with Cerb from other apps and services.
  • Authentication
    This page provides detailed information on how Cerb uses the OAuth 2.0 standard for authenticating API requests.
  • Requests
    This page provides a detailed overview of how to interact with Cerb's web API using various HTTP verbs, including GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.
  • Responses
    This page provides detailed information on how the Cerb Web API responds to requests with JSON or XML encoded objects, focusing on the structure and functionality of single-level dictionaries of key/value pairs.
  • Data Types
    This page provides a detailed overview of the data types used in API requests for Cerb.
  • Custom Fields
    This page provides detailed information on how to work with custom fields in the Cerb API.
  • Modifying Records
    This page provides comprehensive documentation for the Cerb records API, detailing how to create, retrieve, update, upsert, search, and delete records through a single endpoint.
  • Endpoints
    This page provides a list of API endpoints available in Cerb, covering various functionalities such as Attachments, Automations, Bots, Contexts, Data, Groups, Packages, Parser, Records, Tickets, and Workers.


  • Release History
    Cerb has 23 years worth of incremental improvements from community feedback.
  • Philosophy
    This page outlines the core philosophy behind Cerb, emphasizing the importance of customizable platforms and toolkits that empower users to tailor their environments to their specific needs.
  • Credits
    This page provides credits for the development and contributions to Cerb, highlighting key individuals such as Jeff Standen and Dan Hildebrandt, who have played significant roles in its development.